Sunday, September 26, 2010

Yumeiro Pâtissière has ended...or not.

Yumeiro Pâtissière - Opening Theme

This year, I was looking forward for every Sunday, because Yumeiro Pâtissière aired that day. Today was supposed to be the last episode, the 50th one, and I loved it all the way until the end. I thought it was a real shame that it would end after these twenty minutes of epicness.
But I was wrong, and I could not hide my amazement when I saw the preview of the second season's first episode. I really did not know a second season was planned...
So, I can't wait for next week, and watch this epic anime.


  1. I loved that series last year, but I stoped watching after about ten episodes around the new year. I just kind of forgot about it after C77, so I should probably look into it again, thanks for the reminder.

  2. I might eventually watch it but I have trouble starting long series for some reason.

  3. Never heard of it, may have to check it...

  4. Will watching this bring me one step closer to being the little girl?

  5. I stopped watching this around episode 13 or so, if I recall correctly. I've been meaning to pick it back up and resume watching, but I just haven't been able to to do it yet.
